Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More rain?...Seriously?!?

So, the rain continues, and so does feeling like a prisoner indoors. It’s been about a month since it started raining, and I’d say it’s high time that it knocks it off. This weekend we chose to not let the damp weather put a damper on our plans. Friday night Ashton and I decided to have a date night. We went out to Six Flags for some fun. To our surprise and excitement, there were hardly any people at Six Flags. That equals…no lines!! Woo-hoo! We went and rode every ride we wanted, as many times as we wanted with no lines! I felt like a kid running from ride to ride. Ashton is an adrenaline junky, but when it comes to rides and roller coasters not so much. He’s pretty much a light weight. He will ride everything, but there is some complaining afterwards. It took us less than an hour and a half to ride everything. It was a lot of fun. We go to Six Flags quite a bit, but it’s always with Miss Mae, and we don’t ride many rides. Of course we make it all about her when we go! It’s always fun.
Saturday we woke up with the plan of going to a farm near us to pick out a pumpkin. We geared Mae up with rain boots and headed out. It was cold and drizzly, but we had a great time. We got some good photo ops which I always enjoy! We ended up with a giant pumpkin that I’m sure we will carve up at a later date. Sunday there was a break in the rain and Ashton was able to put of the rest of the walls for Mae’s Fort. That afternoon we gathered materials for her roof and he was able to get it on just in time for it to start raining again! Her fort is made of recycled wood from a deck we use to have. The roof shingles are leftover from some roofing my parent’s did on their house. The only material we’ve purchased so far is the plywood to make the roof. Not too shabby! I’d have to say this is a very green building! We plan on painting the door and any trim we add to the building. The interior will also be painted. After that, the fort will be done. Mae is already enjoying her fort! It’s a good place to go to get out of the rain and still be outside! Good times!

1 comment:

  1. The fort looks great, how awesome! Ashton did a great job. I want one for Linc now, haha!
