Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Camping Trip

Ashton took Mae on her first camping trip. As you can see, they had a great time and made some wonderful memories.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Better Late than Never...I guess

Not going to play catch up. Here are Mae's 3 year old photos. My sister took them, and I love them!

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to SMELL a lot like Christmas

We’ve had the cold weather, and the decorations, now it’s time for some good old fashioned Christmas baking! I grew up in a house that was always filled with an array of beautiful candies and desserts during the holidays. There were a few staple items that we saw every year. One of the most sought after cadies that she made was divinity! This white candy concoction is fairly temperamental. The weather has to be just right and you have to hold your breathe and stand on one leg while you make it. Well perhaps I’m exaggerating, but the weather part is true. While divinity is quite popular in our family, it’s not my favorite. My favorite candies made by my mother are pralines! Mmm…you can’t go wrong with one of those! It’s just pure sugar and butter with the occasional pecan floating in it! I don’t have much need for the pecans! It’s always a good idea to be near by while my mom is making this so that you can get first dibs on the bowl! Those are a couple of the most memorable candies that my mom made.

Now it’s my turn to create traditions and memories for Mae. Last night I spent many hours in the kitchen cranking out delicious edibles! Some of the items are just recipes that I have become fond of, and others are recipes that Ashton grew up eating. Ashton’s mother also had a menu of items you knew would be around at Christmas. This year I made her haystacks and peanut clusters. I will probably go ahead and make her peanut brittle as well. This year from my own repertoire I am making pinwheel cookies, red velvet cake balls, fudge, cupcakes, Bundt cakes and countless other items. I try and spend a couple of days baking as much as I need to give as gifts and for the family to enjoy. If I don’t put a time limit on the baking, it could go on for days! I think people enjoy receiving delicious gifts that are made with love. Especially those people I know that have no desire to bake or create the wonderful items! There is something about a buffet of treats in the house that makes it feel like Christmas.

In addition to baking over the weekend, we managed to squeeze in a trip to see Santa. This is the first year that Mae actually knows what is going on. We took her to see Santa at Mrs. Bairds. They have a great Santa and the entire setup is great. As a bonus they give you donuts, milk, cocoa and cinnamon toast after you visit Santa! Mae was so excited once we got up to the front of the line. She acted a little nervous which made me think "this isn't going to be good". But then she ran up and hopped in his lap. She told him that she wanted a car, but she has since changed that request to a bike. I'm thinking Santa is more likely to get her a bike. We shall see! Have a mentioned that have a child is the best? It is!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The Christmas season is in full swing at our house! Having a child during the holidays makes everything better. Mae is just loving all of the lights and ornaments. We even put a little 4 foot tree in her room and she put all of the ornaments on it. She was so proud! Last year we decided that we would forgo the real tree this year and buy an artificial tree. Fast forward to this year and Ashton pretends like that conversation never took place. I gave in and had him go pick out a tree for us. I was pleasantly surprised when he brought home this beautiful tree. I like it for now, but once those needles start hitting the's all over! In the meantime, I'm going to love it!

I learned a valuable lesson this week. Mae asked to have her cousins over to play on Thursday evening. They came over and during their visit we decided to hang our outdoor lights. We had the blinds open on all the windows so that we could watch them play as we worked outside. At some point, the two youngest made their way to the Christmas tree and opened 4 gifts. My 8 year old niece came out to tell me. Silly little girls are just so excited about the gifts! I'm just happy that the gifts they opened were not theirs!

So far, Mae has asked on a daily basis "When is Santa coming??" When I tell her, this has been followed by "Okay" and also tears on occasion. We are doing the Advent calendar as a countdown, and I also made a countdown craft to help put it in perspective for her. We planned on visiting Santa this weekend, but we didn't get around to it. I've been asking Mae what she wants Santa to bring her. She first says "Toys!" then I ask "What kind of toys" and she replies "Purple ones!" The innocence of children is so refreshing!

We were lucky to get some snow flurries earlier this week. Ashton and Mae enjoyed the snowfall before heading to school! I'm hoping that we get some snow this year. There is nothing more fun in Texas than a snow or ice day. I just love to sled!

This weekend my family had a staycation. We all spent the weekend at our parent's house and enjoyed holiday cheer together. We also ventured out to Holiday in the Park. It was nice and cold out there on Saturday, but we all survived! Nothing beats being with family.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Our Family to all of our Friends and Family!!!

We have been pretty busy lately, sorry that I have not taken the time to post any blogs...

Mae is still enjoying her first semester at preschool and recently had her school pics taken, and we think they turned out as pretty as she is. Check out the Pose Above!!! Luckily we have all avoided the swine flu, but Mae has been diagnosed with asthma, hopefully it is seasonal and she will outgrow it soon, in the meantime we have to give her breathing treatments any time she has a coughing fit. Mae handles it very well, she is such a big girl - somebody please slow down the hands of time...

One night, towards the end of all of the rain we all got in N Texas, I was lying in bed about to fall asleep when I started to get hit in the face with water - and what I found was a steady stream of water coming out of the ceiling and hitting the fan! So we contacted several roofers and were lucky that we had previous hail damage that the insurance would cover. So this past Monday we had a new roof put on our 54 year old house, so now we will not worry about getting wet while it rains. And since the hail also damaged our gutters, Meredith gets her wish with changing the trim color and we get new white gutters to boot!

We recently took Mae to a good friend's wedding, not sure how she would behave, but to our surprise she was perfect. She danced for hours at the reception and we all had a wonderful time. I will post pics as soon as I locate them.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

Thursday was a fun day in our family! We bought some newspapers and to our surprise Mae was on the front page!! No joke! It made me so happy to see my little sweetheart all dressed up in her costume three times in the newspaper! Above is the picture that was featured in the paper. They brought her into the photo studio for a professional photo shoot. She was a complete natural, and they kept asking..."Has she done this before?" "She's like a little model!". Very cute!
That same day we were scheduled to appear on Good Morning Texas for the costume contest. We traveled to Dallas and had a fun morning at the WFAA studio. Mae did wonderful and was a lot of fun. There were five other contest winners and they were all pretty cute. Of course I think Mae was the best. It was a good time and I hope Mae
has fond memories of it when she gets older.

On the Set of Good Morning Texas

In the green room

Getting ready

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Second time in the Winner's Circle

I got the email yesterday that Mae was chosen as a finalist for the Good Morning Texas costume contest…AGAIN! She was chosen last year when I made her cupcake costume. She was super cute in that costume! This year she is wearing a Cotton Candy costume. She’s a fluffy sea of pink! The contest is open to those who do homemade costumes for their children.

For me it’s a no brainer to make my daughter’s Halloween costume. We’ve been having Halloween Parties for quite some time, and every year Ashton and I have made our costumes. Before we had Mae I would even make my dog’s Halloween Costumes. I might be a little crazy, but I love making costumes. Growing up I don’t recall ever having a store bought costume. How boring is that!?! I love the idea of creating something that is all your own. I can only hope that Mae will always allow me to make her costumes rather than grab one off of the rack!
This week we are scheduled to take Mae to the Star – Telegram office for a photo shoot and interview and then next week Mae and I will appear on Good Morning Texas to model and explain her outfit. So, set your DVR or Tivo and check Miss Mae out on Thursday, October 29th. Good Morning Texas comes on Channel 8 at 9am. I will post a link to the broadcast some time after the show. Also, check out the October 29th addition of the Star-Telegram for her photo! Wish her luck!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More rain?...Seriously?!?

So, the rain continues, and so does feeling like a prisoner indoors. It’s been about a month since it started raining, and I’d say it’s high time that it knocks it off. This weekend we chose to not let the damp weather put a damper on our plans. Friday night Ashton and I decided to have a date night. We went out to Six Flags for some fun. To our surprise and excitement, there were hardly any people at Six Flags. That equals…no lines!! Woo-hoo! We went and rode every ride we wanted, as many times as we wanted with no lines! I felt like a kid running from ride to ride. Ashton is an adrenaline junky, but when it comes to rides and roller coasters not so much. He’s pretty much a light weight. He will ride everything, but there is some complaining afterwards. It took us less than an hour and a half to ride everything. It was a lot of fun. We go to Six Flags quite a bit, but it’s always with Miss Mae, and we don’t ride many rides. Of course we make it all about her when we go! It’s always fun.
Saturday we woke up with the plan of going to a farm near us to pick out a pumpkin. We geared Mae up with rain boots and headed out. It was cold and drizzly, but we had a great time. We got some good photo ops which I always enjoy! We ended up with a giant pumpkin that I’m sure we will carve up at a later date. Sunday there was a break in the rain and Ashton was able to put of the rest of the walls for Mae’s Fort. That afternoon we gathered materials for her roof and he was able to get it on just in time for it to start raining again! Her fort is made of recycled wood from a deck we use to have. The roof shingles are leftover from some roofing my parent’s did on their house. The only material we’ve purchased so far is the plywood to make the roof. Not too shabby! I’d have to say this is a very green building! We plan on painting the door and any trim we add to the building. The interior will also be painted. After that, the fort will be done. Mae is already enjoying her fort! It’s a good place to go to get out of the rain and still be outside! Good times!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rain, rain Go AWAY!

I probably love the rain more than the average person, but enough is enough already! We have been getting soaked over the last month, and it’s really putting a damper on our weekends! This past weekend Ashton was able to get some major chores done in our backyard just in time for it to start raining. This left no time to do the fun outdoors stuff we wanted to do. We had about an hour to work on the fort we are building Mae in the backyard. Then the downpour began!

I’m not saying it wasn’t a nice and relaxing weekend. It was definitely relaxing, but it’s sad to keep a two year old cooped up in the house. Sunday morning Mae put on her new rain boots that Grandma got her and went out to splash in puddles with daddy. While they were outside I made some donuts. It seemed like the right kind of breakfast for the weather. That was about the extent of Mae’s outdoor fun for the weekend.

Normally on a rainy weekend we would take her to the mall to ride the horseys and to play on the playground. Over the last few weeks this option has become less desirable due to all of the flu outbreaks. I prefer to keep Mae in a little bubble for the time being!

This coming weekend we don’t have any plans so let’s home that we get lucky enough to have beautiful fall weather minus the rain!!